The 29’er class will be hosting Autumn Training coaching sessions on Wednesday 24th and Sundays up to the end of November.
Wednesday 24th session will run from 15:00- 19:00 with a detailed debrief and classroom session after sailing.
Sunday sessions will run from 14:00 -18:00 (Ready and Rigged)
There will be a combination of coaches to ensure great coaching and many areas covered.
Cost will be €30 p/ session p/ person.
Mid- Term Clinic
29’er mid- term Clinic Tuesday 30th October – Friday 2nd November.
Four days of coaching on and off the water. Sailors can sign up for the full four days or the days that they are available. Cost €40 p/ day p/ sailor
Subject to a minimum of 3 boats per session signing up.
Click here to sign up for any of the above sessions:
Interested in trying out the 29’er?
Do you want to get involved in the class or more information? Click here:
Christmas Cracker Regatta
There will be an end of season regatta- The Christmas Cracker Regatta on December 2nd to close out 2018.
Online entry, NOR will be published in November.
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