Navigation course
This Day Skipper 45 hour shorebased certificate course will be run in the RSGYC on Tuesday evenings from 7:30pm to 10:00pm each evening starting on the 16th of October and is planned to finish on the 5th of March, 2019.
Presented by club member David Jerrard of Sea~Craft, the Day Skipper is an enjoyable and informative introduction to navigation ideal for boat owners, skippers and crew who would like to build confidence in their ability to undertake short passages safely in local waters.
The course assumes no formal knowledge of navigation skills and will include safety considerations, chart work, tides, weather systems and forecasts, passage planning, pilotage, COLREGS and electronic aids to navigation.
Equally suitable for both sail and power the course is open to club members and non-members; non-members are especially welcome, so tell your friends, crew and colleagues.
The course fee is €499 which includes the full RYA course pack.
For more details and booking information please contact or ‘phone Sea~Craft at 01 286 3362, anytime.
The post Day Skipper Course appeared first on Royal St George Yacht Club.