Calling all TY students for 2017/2018!!
We would like to let you know about the fantastic TY sailing program being planned for next year. The program will be open to all TY students and we would especially love to see sailors who have been away for a while but are keen to get back in touch with old friends! There will be all kinds of activities planned throughout the year, aimed at making the most of transition year and upping your sailing and seamanship skills! The first event we are planning is the by now, infamous, trip to Heir Island in September. Anyone who has done the program in the past will tell you what a great start to the year this is!
At the moment all we would like you to do is to express your interest, using the link below, to let us know what you might be interested in.
We will be in touch when the exams are over, and throughout the summer, with more details.
Best of luck to you all in your Junior Cert and we look forward to seeing you all down in the club afterward for a fantastic summer and year to come!
RSGYC TY Programme Committee
Kate Fogarty Elaine Malcolm
Clodagh Lyttle Kate Higgins
To Register Your Interest please see here: TY enquiry form 2017-2018
Or you can Email so we can notify you of our
upcoming activities
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