RSGYC Laser Sailors
Europa Cup
Good luck to the RSGYC Laser sailors loading up and off to the Europa Cup
The International laser class association run the prestigious Europa Cup which consists of 10 separate regattas in different European countries with the 3 best scores to count.
This picture is of the group of 7 sailors taking part in the Swiss Europa Cup next weekend in Lugano, and the following weekend the French event is being held in Hyeres.
This group includes RSGYC members Tara Coveney, Peter Fagan, Jack Fahy and Hugo Kennedy
Their coach is Thomas Chaix, of Dinghy Performance
After Hyeres, the group travels straight to Baltimore SC for the Laser Munster’s over Easter weekend and then immediately afterwards on to Ballyholme Yacht Club for the ISA youth nationals.
Their parents have understanding bank managers!
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